Memorial United Methodist Church, Inc.
Memorial United Methodist Church, Inc. is a Florida non profit corporation based in Fernandina Beach. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Apr 25, 1975.
Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Memorial United Methodist Church, Inc.
Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details
Corporation Number | |
Status | Active |
Filing Type | DOMNP |
Filing Date | Apr 25, 1975 |
FEI Number | 590949248 |
Principal Address |
Memorial United Methodist Church, Inc. Directors and Officers
The following table lists the directors and officers for Memorial United Methodist Church, Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Memorial United Methodist Church, Inc. and the address or company.
Name | Position | Possible Address | Possible Related Companies |
Bowers David Hjr. | Officer (Chai) |
David Bowers 96264 Heath Point Lame Fernandina Beach FL 32034 (Nassau County) | |
Pomeroy Monica L | Officer (OFFI) |
Monica Pomeroy 601 Centre St Fernandina Beach 32034 (Nassau County) Monica Pomeroy 2636 - A 1st Ave Fernandina Beach FL 32034 (Nassau County) Monica Pomeroy 2636-A 1st Ave Fernandina Beach FL 32034 (Nassau County) | |
Pomeroy, Monica L. | Registered Agent |
Monica Pomeroy 601 Centre St Fernandina Beach 32034 (Nassau County) Monica Pomeroy 2636-A 1st Ave Fernandina Beach FL 32034 (Nassau County) | |
Hall Annette Jr. | Officer (Secr) |
Annette Hall 315 Calhoun St Fernandina Beach FL 32034 (Nassau County) | |
Hall Walter H | Officer (Trus) |
Walter Hall 3350 So Fletcher Ave Fernandina Beach FL 32034 (Nassau County) Walter Hall 5925 Carnegie Blvd Ste 370 Charlotte NC 28209 (Mecklenburg County) Walter Hall 90 Fort Wade Rd Ponte Vedra FL 32081 (Saint Johns County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Walter Hall Meridian Waste Florida, LLC - Officer (CEO) |
Holmes Ann | Officer (Trus) |
Ann Holmes 10 Se Central Pkwy Stuart FL 34994 (Martin County) Ann Holmes 3510 So Fletcher Ave Fernandina Beach FL 32034 (Nassau County) | |
Steger Brett L | Officer (Vice) |
Brett Steger 1612 Highland Dunes Way Fernandina Beach FL 32034 (Nassau County) Brett Steger 960185 Gateway Blvd Fernandina Beach FL 32024 (Columbia County) Brett Steger 960185 Gateway Blvd Suite 104 Fernandina Beach FL 32034 (Nassau County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Brett Steger Driftwood Guild, LLC - Registered Agent |
Principal Location
Memorial United Methodist Church, Inc. is located at 601 Centre St in Fernandina Beach.