Clermont Farm & Sod Co., Inc.

Clermont Farm & Sod Co., Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Lake Wales. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Oct 4, 1978.

Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Clermont Farm & Sod Co., Inc.

Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details

Corporation Number
Filing TypeDOMP
Filing DateOct 4, 1978
FEI Number591851944
Principal Address
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853

Clermont Farm & Sod Co., Inc. Directors and Officers

The following table lists the directors and officers for Clermont Farm & Sod Co., Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Clermont Farm & Sod Co., Inc. and the address or company.

NamePositionPossible AddressPossible Related Companies
Keesler Allen Rjr. Officer (Chai) Allen Keesler
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

Jahna James Asr. Registered Agent James Jahna
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
(Polk County)

James Jahna
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

James Jahna
202 East Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

The following companies have a director or officer called James Jahna
Agfox Investments, Inc. - Registered Agent
E.R. Jahna Industries, Inc. - Officer (VD)
E.R. Jahna Management, Inc. - Officer (VP,)
Florida Sand Corporation - Officer (VP,)
Jahna Gp, Inc. - Registered Agent
Jahna Limited Partnership - Registered Agent
Nola Land Company, Inc. - Registered Agent
Savannah Sand Company, Inc. - Officer (VP,)
Jahna James A Officer (VP,) James Jahna
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
(Polk County)

James Jahna
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
(Polk County)

James Jahna
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
(Polk County)

James Jahna
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

James Jahna
202 East Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

The following companies have a director or officer called James Jahna
Jahna Dredging, Inc. - Officer (VPD)
Jahna Gp, Inc. - Officer (PD)
S&R Transport Of Florida, Inc. - Officer (VD)
Savannah Sand Company, Inc. - Registered Agent
The Jahna Foundation, Inc. - Officer (DVT)
Jahna Emil Riii Officer (VPD) Emil Jahna
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
(Polk County)

Emil Jahna
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

Emil Jahna
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
(Polk County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Emil Jahna
E.R. Jahna Management, Inc. - Officer (VP,)
Florida Sand Corporation - Officer (VD)
S&R Transport Of Florida, Inc. - Officer (VD)
Jahna Gretchen N Officer (VPD) Gretchen Jahna
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

Gretchen Jahna
202 East Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Gretchen Jahna
E.R. Jahna Industries, Inc. - Officer (VD)
Gmdd Jahna Inc - President
Gretchen'S Cattle Company, Inc. - Registered Agent
Jahna Gp, Inc. - Officer (VD)
Nola Land Company, Inc. - Officer (VD)
Johnson Rebekah J Officer (VPD) Rebekah Johnson
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

Rebekah Johnson
202 East Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Rebekah Johnson
E.R. Jahna Industries, Inc. - Officer (VD)
Florida Sand Corporation - Officer (VD)
Jahna Gp, Inc. - Officer (VD)
Nola Land Company, Inc. - Officer (VD)
Mccollum Carl R Officer (VTS) Carl Mccollum
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
(Polk County)

Carl Mccollum
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
FL 33853
(Polk County)

Carl Mccollum
202 E Stuart Ave
Lake Wales
(Polk County)

The following companies have a director or officer called Carl Mccollum
Florida Sand Corporation - Officer (VST)
S&R Transport Of Florida, Inc. - Officer (VST)

Principal Location

Clermont Farm & Sod Co., Inc. is located at 202 E Stuart Ave in Lake Wales.

Companies Located Nearby

Spectra International L.L.C. (230 E Park Ave) Melinda'S Heavenly Beauty LLC (230 East Park Ave) Exquisite Designs & Company, LLC (224 East Park Ave) Florida Citrus Canners Corporation (225 East Park Ave) Lake Wales Care Center, Inc. (140 E Park Ave) Unity In Community Of Lake Wales, Inc. (140 E Park Ave) Lake Wales Care Center Foundation, Inc. (140 E Park Ave) Lake Wales Literacy Council, Inc. (140 E Park Ave) Love To Learn, Inc. (160 E Park Ave) We Elderly Care, Inc. (229 East Stuart Ave) The Sustainable Workplace Alliance, Inc. (216 E Stuart Ave) Griffin-Alexander, LLC (212 E Stuart Ave) Silver Palm Consulting, LLC (212 E Stuart Ave) Atlantic Property Company, LLC (212 E Stuart Ave) Ewell Investment, LLC (212 E Stuart Ave) Atlantic Blue Communities Ii, LLC (212 E Stuart Ave) Lh Hwy 17 Investors, LLC (212 E Stuart Ave) Weber Capital Partners, LLC (212 E Stuart Ave) Public School Development Solutions, LLC (212 E Stuart Ave) Dbw Capital Partners, LLC (212 E Stuart Ave) E.R. Jahna Industries, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) M M Mayer Jewelers, Inc. (201 E Stuart Ave) Florida Sand Corporation (202 E Stuart Ave) Bullard Agency, Inc. (221 East Stuart Ave) Floyd Road Investment, LLC (212 East Stuart Ave) Scenic Terrace Investment, LLC (212 East Stuart Ave) Marketplace Condominium Association, Inc. (212 East Stuart Ave) Central Florida Incubator, Inc. (212 East Stuart Ave) Mjm'S, Inc. (237 E Stuart Ave) Yoga Bliss Studio, LLC (205 E Stuart Ave) True North Usa, LLC (225 E Stuart Ave) 1513 Realty, LLC (244 E Park Ave) Ramsgate Insurance, Inc. (244 E Park Ave) Go Hard Trucking Inc. (244 E Park Ave) Dd&S Companies, Inc. (244 E Park Ave) Pendeli Properties, LLC (230 East Park Ave Suite 41-45) Elizabeth A. Stewart, P.A. (2 First Street North) Citrus View Financial, Inc. (100 E Stuart Ave) Pat Cain Investments, Inc. (100 E Stuart Ave) Emjr Trucking Inc (118 E Stuart Ave) Blue Lite, LLC (100 East Stuart Ave) Clever Consulting Inc (118 E Stuart Ave Ste D) Circle Of Friends Ministry, Inc. (105 E Stuart Ave) Lake Caloosa Landing Property Owners' Association, Inc. (101 E Stuart Ave) Bountiful Lands, Inc. (101 E Stuart Ave) Justice For Children, Inc. (101 E Stuart Ave) Group Financial Administrative Services, Inc. (101 E Stuart Ave) Moonduel, LLC (101 E Stuart Ave) Goinsurance360, LLC (101 E Stuart Ave) Ridge Landing Property Owners' Association, Inc. (101 E Stuart Ave) Hillside Estates Property Owner'S Association, Inc. (101 E Stuart Ave) Ridge Landing, Inc. (101 E Stuart Ave) Edward Lamb & Associates, Inc. (146 East Stuart Ave) Lj'S Lawn Services, LLC (129 E Stuart Ave) The Auto Injury Coach, LLC (129 E Stuart Ave) F. A. Johnson, Jr., Cpa, LLC (118 E Stuart Ave) Polk Real Estate, LLC (118 E Stuart Ave) Triumphant Free Spirit Evangelistic Worship Center, Inc. (127 E Stuart Ave) The Oak Ridge Estates, Phase Eleven, Property Owners' Association, Inc. (101 E Stuart Ave) Albert C. Galloway, Jr., P.A. (116 E Stuart Ave) Ccjas Holdings, LLC (116 E Park Ave) Park Avenue Hair Place, Inc. (116 E Park Ave) Fletcher Electric Service Inc (221 East Central Ave) Lake Wales Charter Schools, Inc. (130 Central Avenue East) Market Cafe LLC (20 N Market St) Lake Wales Christian Counseling LLC (254 East Stuart Ave) Myers Groves Inc (202 E Stuart Ave) Woolfolk & Myers Grove Caretaking Inc (202 E Stuart Ave) Vonann Groves Inc (202 E Stuart Ave) S&R Transport Of Florida, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) C.B.M. Groves, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) S&R Logistics, LLC (202 E Stuart Ave) Hartley And Myers Properties LLC (202 E Stuart Ave) Donley & Myers Grove Caretaking, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) The Jahna Foundation, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) Nola Land Company, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) Hartley And Myers Investments, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) Gretchen'S Cattle Company, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) Agfox Investments, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) Jahna Gp, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) Jahna Dredging, Inc. (202 E Stuart Ave) Jahna Limited Partnership (202 East Stuart Ave) E.J. Cattle, LLC (202 East Stuart Ave) Her Little Red Productions, LLC (202 East Stuart Ave) E.R. Jahna Management, Inc. (202 East Stuart Ave) Savannah Sand Company, Inc. (202 East Stuart Ave) Gmdd Jahna Inc (202 East Stuart Ave) C. B. Myers, Iii, P.A. (202 East Stuart Ave) Dykxhoorn Law Firm, P.A. (225 East Stuart Ave) Studio 6 Of Lake Wales, Inc. (247 E Stuart Ave) Plant Your Flag, LLC (214 E Stuart Ave) Deva Real Estate, LLC (214 E Stuart Ave) The Floyd Investment Group, Inc. (214 E Stuart Ave) Vdm Holdings, LLC (202 E Stuart Ave) Lake Wales Charter Schools Foundation, Inc. (130 E Central Ave) Deborah Kay Price Enterprises, Inc. (24 South First St) Capo Security, Inc. (10 South 1st St) Oak Harbor Title Services, L.L.C. (151 E Central Ave) Rotary On The Ridge Foundation, Inc. (151 E Central Ave) The Ouellette Law Firm, P.A. (151 E Central Ave) Pearce East Central, LLC (123 East Central Ave) Violeta B. Salud & Associates, Inc. (One West Central Ave)
Disclaimers and Disclosures

The information on this page was compiled from public records. It is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed to be an accurate snapshot of the company at that time. All information should be independently verified.

The Visulate site was produced from data and information compiled from recorded documents and/or outside public and private sources. Visulate is not the custodian of public records and does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions in the data it displays or for its misuse by any individual.

In the event of either error or omission, Visulate and any 3rd party data provider shall be held harmless from any damages arising from the use of records displayed on the site.