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1045 Montcalm St
FL 32806

Property Usage:Single Family
Property Size:3,248 sq ft
Year Built:1971
Property Class:B4
1045 Montcalm St is a 3,248 sq ft Single Family in Orlando. It was built in 1971.

Sue Goldthorp - Licensed Real Estate Broker

I can help you buy or sell real estate anywhere in Florida
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  • Phone: (321) 698 5198
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Please quote reference number: 1024068 when you call or email

Sales History

DateSold BySold ToDeed TypePrice
12/16/2005 Not Recorded Buyer: 1403084 Warranty Deed/Special Warranty Deed 460,000.00
09/01/2013 Seller: 1403084 Buyer: 9628314 Unknown 333,500.00
12/01/2015 Seller: 9628314 Buyer: 10399203 Unknown 482,500.00
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