Eglin Afb, Florida

Okaloosa County Real Estate - Eglin Afb

Eglin Afb is in North West Florida. It's population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 2,274. Eglin Afb is approximately 40 miles from Pensacola (population 51,923) and around 57 miles from Panama City (population 36,484).

The median age for residents of Eglin Afb is 24.7. Around 51.7% of Eglin Afb households include school aged children and 31.1% of households include individuals aged 65 years or over. Census records indicate 77.1% of the Eglin Afb population are White, 8.8% are Black or African American, .5% American Indian, 2.1% Asian and 7.6% are Two or more Races.

There are 1,376 housing units in Eglin Afb. 507 (36.8%) of these were reported as vacant in the 2010 Census. There are 869 residential rental units in Eglin Afb. 860 of them were occupied in 2010 providing a residential rental vacancy rate of .7%.

Eglin Afb links:

Sue Goldthorp

I'm here to help

My name is Sue Goldthorp. I am a real estate broker and co-founder of Visulate. Drop me a line if you would like me to help you buy or sell a property in Eglin Afb, Florida.

Eglin Afb Real Estate

There are 4 properties in Eglin Afb. The following table shows a summary of them based on 2014 sales data.

Eglin Afb Real Estate by Usage
Usage TypeProperty Count%Sales CountMedian PriceMedian Price/FtSales FromTo
Commercial Property 0 0.00 0n/an/an/an/a
Government Property 2 50.00 0n/an/an/an/a
Residential 2 50.00 0n/an/an/an/a
Residential Property 0 0.00 0n/an/an/an/a

Commercial Real Estate in Eglin Afb, Florida

0( .00%) of the properties in Eglin Afb are classified as Commercial.

Government Real Estate in Eglin Afb, Florida

2( 50.00%) of the properties in Eglin Afb are classified as Government.

Residential Real Estate in Eglin Afb, Florida

2( 50.00%) of the properties in Eglin Afb are classified as Residential.

Residential Real Estate in Eglin Afb, Florida

0( .00%) of the properties in Eglin Afb are classified as Residential.

Eglin Afb, Okaloosa County Market Data

Eglin Afb Real Estate
Property UsageProperty CountTotal Sq Ft
Government Property 2 69,027
Residential 2 9,020

Eglin Afb Median Property Values per Sq Ft

Eglin Afb Median Property Values per Sq Ft by Property Class
Property Class Class AClass BClass C
UsageYear SaleLease SaleLease SaleLease
Military 2016 $212$30 $179$15 $173$7
Public county school 2016 $212$30 $179$15 $173$7
Single Family 2016 $212$16 $179$16 $173$16