Greenwood, Florida
Jackson County Real Estate - Greenwood
Greenwood is in North West Florida. It's population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 686. Greenwood is approximately 60 miles from Tallahassee (population 181,376) and around 57 miles from Panama City (population 36,484).
The median age for residents of Greenwood is 40.7. Around 31.7% of Greenwood households include school aged children and 31.7% of households include individuals aged 65 years or over. Census records indicate 66.6% of the Greenwood population are White, 30.9% are Black or African American, .4% American Indian, 0% Asian and 1% are Two or more Races.
There are 336 housing units in Greenwood. 56 (16.6%) of these were reported as vacant in the 2010 Census. There are 94 residential rental units in Greenwood. 74 of them were occupied in 2010 providing a residential rental vacancy rate of 21.3%.
Greenwood links:
Greenwood Real Estate
There are 1,251 properties in Greenwood. The following table shows a summary of them based on 2014 sales data.
Usage Type | Property Count | % | Sales Count | Median Price | Median Price/Ft | Sales From | To |
Agricultural | 320 | 25.58 | 5 | $110,000 | $34 | January 1st, 2014 | June 1st, 2014 |
Commercial Property | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Government Property | 4 | 0.32 | 0 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Industrial | 3 | 0.24 | 0 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Miscellaneous Property | 1 | 0.08 | 0 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Mobile/Manufactured | 276 | 22.06 | 5 | $20,000 | $28 | January 1st, 2014 | August 1st, 2014 |
Multifamily | 2 | 0.16 | 0 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Residential | 622 | 49.72 | 14 | $39,200 | $29 | January 1st, 2014 | September 1st, 2014 |
Residential Property | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Retail | 6 | 0.48 | 0 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Special Purpose | 17 | 1.36 | 0 | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Agricultural Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
320( 25.58%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Agricultural. 5 of them sold between January 1st, 2014 and June 1st, 2014. The total value of these sales was $432,400. The median sales price was $110,000. In 2014 the median sales price for Agricultural in Greenwood was $34 per sq ft.
Commercial Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
0( .00%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Commercial.
Government Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
4( .32%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Government.
Industrial Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
3( .24%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Industrial.
Miscellaneous Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
1( .08%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Miscellaneous.
Mobile/Manufactured Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
276( 22.06%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Mobile/Manufactured. 5 of them sold between January 1st, 2014 and August 1st, 2014. The total value of these sales was $95,300. The median sales price was $20,000. In 2014 the median sales price for Mobile/Manufactured in Greenwood was $28 per sq ft.
Multifamily Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
2( .16%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Multifamily.
Residential Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
622( 49.72%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Residential. 14 of them sold between January 1st, 2014 and September 1st, 2014. The total value of these sales was $808,600. The median sales price was $39,200. In 2014 the median sales price for Residential in Greenwood was $29 per sq ft.
Residential Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
0( .00%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Residential.
Retail Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
6( .48%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Retail.
Special Purpose Real Estate in Greenwood, Florida
17( 1.36%) of the properties in Greenwood are classified as Special Purpose.
Greenwood, Jackson County Market Data
Property Usage | Property Count | Total Sq Ft |
Agricultural | 263 | 379,287 |
Government Property | 4 | 7,324 |
Industrial | 4 | 46,566 |
Land | 139 | 22,842 |
Miscellaneous Property | 1 | 733 |
Mobile/Manufactured | 282 | 422,599 |
Multifamily | 2 | 3,721 |
Residential | 611 | 1,063,569 |
Retail | 5 | 21,979 |
Special Purpose | 17 | 83,725 |
Sports & Entertaining | 1 | 1,440 |
Greenwood Median Property Values per Sq Ft
Property Class | Class A | Class B | Class C | ||||
Usage | Year | Sale | Lease | Sale | Lease | Sale | Lease |
Church | 2016 | $352 | $24 | $97 | $12 | $35 | $7 |
Club, lodge or union hall | 2016 | $352 | $24 | $97 | $12 | $35 | $7 |
Cropland soil capability Class II | 2016 | $352 | $11 | $97 | $8 | $35 | $5 |
Cropland soil capability Class III | 2016 | $352 | $11 | $97 | $8 | $35 | $5 |
Financial institution (bank, saving and loan company, mortgage company, credit services) | 2016 | $158 | $32 | $34 | $16 | $15 | $8 |
Food processing | 2016 | $158 | $17 | $34 | $10 | $15 | $5 |
Grazing land soil capability Class II | 2016 | $352 | $11 | $97 | $8 | $35 | $5 |
Grazing land soil capability Class V | 2016 | $352 | $11 | $97 | $8 | $35 | $5 |
Improved agricultural | 2016 | $158 | $11 | $34 | $8 | $15 | $5 |
Mobile Home | 2016 | $56 | $6 | $31 | $6 | $20 | $6 |
Mortuary, cemetery or crematorium | 2016 | $352 | $24 | $97 | $12 | $35 | $7 |
Multi-family - 10 units or more | 2016 | $158 | $22 | $34 | $13 | $15 | $7 |
Municipal Owned | 2016 | $352 | $30 | $97 | $15 | $35 | $7 |
Nightclub, cocktail lounge or bar | 2016 | $158 | $37 | $34 | $17 | $15 | $7 |
Orchard Groves, Citrus, etc. | 2016 | $352 | $11 | $97 | $8 | $35 | $5 |
Orphanage, other non-profit or charitable services | 2016 | $352 | $24 | $97 | $12 | $35 | $7 |
Restaurant, cafeteria | 2016 | $158 | $32 | $34 | $16 | $15 | $8 |
Single Family | 2016 | $89 | $16 | $59 | $16 | $27 | $16 |
Store, one story | 2016 | $158 | $32 | $34 | $16 | $15 | $8 |
Supermarket | 2016 | $158 | $32 | $34 | $16 | $15 | $8 |
Timberland - site index 70 to 79 | 2016 | $352 | $11 | $97 | $8 | $35 | $5 |
Timberland - site index 80 to 89 | 2016 | $352 | $11 | $97 | $8 | $35 | $5 |
Timberland not classified by site index to Pines | 2016 | $352 | $11 | $97 | $8 | $35 | $5 |
Utility | 2016 | $352 | $42 | $97 | $15 | $35 | $6 |
Warehousing, distribution terminal, trucking terminal, or van and storage warehousing | 2016 | $158 | $17 | $34 | $10 | $15 | $5 |
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