Hendry County, Florida

Hendry County

Hendry County is located in South Central Florida, along with Desoto, Glades, Highlands, Okeechobee, and Hardee counties. Incorporated cities in Hendry County are Clewiston and LaBelle (the county seat). Hendry County is known to the U.S. Census Bureau as the Clewiston Micropolitan Statistical Area. The county's population is in excess of 35,000.

The largest industries by employment are trade, transportation, & utilities; public administration; and natural resources and mining. Major private sector employers include US Sugar Corp, Southern Gardens, A Duda & Sons, Hendry County Hospital Authority, and Alico, Inc. Top public sector employers include Hendry County School District, Hendry County, and Hendry County Sheriff's Office.

72.5% of the land in Hendry County is used for agriculture. Hendry County?s location on the southwest shore of Lake Okeechobee gives it access to the rich soil that was left after the partial drainage of the Everglades. The number one crop is citrus, with over 9 million trees in the county, followed by sugar cane and fresh vegetables. Watermelons are also grown in significant quantities in Henry County.

Located in the northeastern corner of the county, Clewiston is on the southwestern shore of Lake Okeechobee. The city known as ?America?s Sweetest Town? is home to over 6,000. The U.S. Sugar Corporation mill is located on the southern end of the city. It processes 700,000 tons of sugar cane each year.

Clewiston is also known as the Gateway to Lake Okeechobee. The 730 square-mile lake is full of opportunities for maritime recreation, including fishing. Largemouth bass is a popular target for fishers, and many bass tournaments are held in Clewiston. Fishermen and -women also fish the crappie. Fishing contributes millions of dollars to the local economy every year. The lake is also a prime spot for yachting and birding. Hikers can use the Herbert Hoover Dike that rings the water to view the lake and its wildlife.

Sue Goldthorp

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My name is Sue Goldthorp. I am a real estate broker and co-founder of Visulate. Drop me a line if you would like me to help you buy or sell a property in Hendry County Florida.

Hendry County Florida Cities

There are 3 cities in Hendry County Florida. These are listed below. Click on a link for details.

Clewiston, Felda, Labelle,

Hendry County has a population of approximately 37,447 people. The population increased -4.3% from 2010 to 2012. This compared to a 2.7% increase for the State of Florida and a 1.7% increase for the country as a whole. Hendry County is 1152.75 square miles and had a population density of 34 Persons per square mile in 2010. This compared to 350.6 for Florida and 87.4 for the country.

There are 14,687 housing units in Hendry County (a housing unit is defined by the US Census Bureau as a house, apartment, mobile home, group of rooms, or single room that is occupied as separate living quarters.) Hendry County has a 70.0% homeownership rate compared to Florida's rate of 69.0%. Hendry County's medium household income in 2011 was $37,989, which is lower than the medium income for Florida as a whole: $47,827.

Regional Economic Indicators
Economic Activity
2007 (Millions)
Population Growth
2010 to 2012
Median Household
Income 2011
Median Price
2007 to 2011
United States 313,914,040 $14,025,202 1.7% $52,762 132,312,404 $186,200
Florida 19,317,568 $630,738 2.7% $47,827 9,026,965 $188,600
Hendry County 37,447 $595 -4.3% $37,989 14,687 $103,400

26.0% of the population in Hendry County lives below the poverty line, compared to 14.7% in Florida and 14.3% nationwide. Additional Information:

Hendry County Economic Activity

The U.S. Bureau of the Census, Economic , 2007 calculated the total value manufacturing, merchant wholesaler, retail sales and food service sales in Hendry County. The Census measured activity of large and medium-sized firms during calendar year 2007. It does not include every aspect of the economy but can be used as a measure of economic activity.

At $595 million, Hendry County's economic activity represents 0.09% of the Florida economy.

Economic Activity
ActivityValue (Millions)Percentage
Manufacturers shipments $0 0.0%
Merchant wholesaler sales $212 35.6%
Retail sales $346 58.1%
Accommodation and food services sales $37 6.3%
Total $595100%

Hendry County Regional Comparisons

Hendry County is located in South Central Florida. This region is responsible for 0.5% of Florida's economic activity. Hendry County represents 17.5% of the region's economy.

Regional Economic Indicators
Economic Activity
2007 (Millions)
Population Growth
2010 to 2012
Median Household
Income 2011
Median Price
2007 to 2011
Hardee County 27,514 $418 -0.8% $38,046 9,599 $104,100
Highlands County 98,128 $1,496 -0.7% $34,913 55,276 $115,600
Okeechobee County 39,467 $563 -1.3% $36,929 18,656 $124,300
DeSoto County 34,712 $305 -0.4% $36,407 14,617 $114,900
Glades County 13,107 $18 1.7% $39,611 7,082 $95,200
Hendry County 37,447 $595 -4.3% $37,989 14,687 $103,400
Total 250,375 $3,395 -1.0% $37,316 119,917 $109,583

Hendry Real Estate

There are 14,687 properties in Hendry County. The following table shows a summary of them based on 2013 sales data.

Hendry County Real Estate Sales Summary
Usage TypeProperty Count%Sales CountMedian PriceMedian Price/FtSales FromTo
Commercial Property 0 0.00 24 $234,000 $49February 1st, 2013September 1st, 2013
Government Property 419 2.85 3 $191,300 $59April 1st, 2013August 1st, 2013
Residential Property 0 0.00 390 $48,000 $34January 1st, 2013September 1st, 2013

Commercial Real Estate in Hendry County, Florida

0( .00%) of the properties in Hendry County are classified as Commercial. 24 of them sold between February 1st, 2013 and September 1st, 2013. The total value of these sales was $9,896,500. The median sales price was $234,000. In 2013 the median sales price for A Class Commercial Property in Hendry County was $80 per sq ft, B Class properties sold for $49/ft and C Class $19/ft.

Government Real Estate in Hendry County, Florida

419( 2.85%) of the properties in Hendry County are classified as Government. 3 of them sold between April 1st, 2013 and August 1st, 2013. The total value of these sales was $616,300. The median sales price was $191,300. In 2013 the median sales price for Government Property in Hendry County was $59 per sq ft.

Residential Real Estate in Hendry County, Florida

0( .00%) of the properties in Hendry County are classified as Residential. 390 of them sold between January 1st, 2013 and September 1st, 2013. The total value of these sales was $26,576,513. The median sales price was $48,000. In 2013 the median sales price for A Class Residential Property in Hendry County was $66 per sq ft, B Class properties sold for $34/ft and C Class $17/ft.

Additional Details:

Hendry Market Data

Hendry Real Estate
Property UsageProperty CountTotal Sq Ft
Agricultural 1,646 4,282,356
Government Property 455 2,722,021
Health Care 1 5,895
Hotel & Motel 354 330,632
Industrial 162 3,257,586
Land 18,384 406,958
Miscellaneous Property 45 69,421
Mobile/Manufactured 4,628 5,263,847
Multifamily 409 1,405,122
Office 127 428,827
Residential 6,215 11,117,586
Retail 379 2,420,176
Senior Housing 3 72,703
Special Purpose 140 825,162
Sports & Entertaining 16 143,731