Clay County, Florida
Clay County
Clay County is part of the Northeast Florida region, along with Baker, Duval, Nassau, Putnam, St John's, and Flagler counties. Clay County contains the following cities and towns: Green Cove Springs, Keystone Heights, Orange Park, and Penney Farms. The county is home to over 190,000 people.
The largest industries by employment are trade, transportation and utilities; education and health services; and leisure and hospitality. Major private sector employers are Orange Park Medical Center, HA Patient Account Services, AT&T, Clay Electric Cooperative, and Challenge Enterprises. Top public sector employers are School District of Clay County, Clay County Sheriff Office, Municipal Police Departments, and Florida Department of Military Affairs.
Clay County has many outdoor recreational options, including Jennings State Forest and Belmore State Forest, which feature hiking, canoeing, horseback riding, and bicycling. Abundant wildlife gives ample opportunities for viewing, hunting, and fishing. The Bayard Conservation Area, on the west bank of the St. Johns River, provide similar opportunities. The north-central portion of the county, adjacent to the Westside neighborhood of Jacksonville, is the Branan Field Mitigation Park Wildlife and Environmental Area, a wildlife conservation zone specifically focused on gopher tortoises. At Branan, visitors can hike and view wildlife.
Clay County hosts Camp Blanding Joint Training Center, the primary training facility for Florida National Guard formations. This, combined with the presence of multiple major military bases in Jacksonville just to the north, means that Clay County is a popular location for defense contractors, including Aero-Hose Corporation and Wyle Laboratory. The county also hosts advanced manufacturing firms, including VAC-CON, Alternate Energy Technologies, and Harris Lighting.
A campus of St. Johns River State College is located in Orange Park, which is in northeastern Clay County. The town also hosts a campus of Evergreen University. Orange Park is a suburb of Jacksonville, located just over five miles away from Naval Air Station Jacksonville. A satellite campus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is located across the lake in Fleming Island.

Clay County Florida Cities
There are 8 cities in Clay County Florida. These are listed below. Click on a link for details.
Doctors Inlet, Fleming Island, Green Cove Springs, Keystone Heights, Lake Geneva, Middleburg, Orange Park, Penney Farms,
Clay County has a population of approximately 194,345 people. The population increased 1.8% from 2010 to 2012. This compared to a 2.7% increase for the State of Florida and a 1.7% increase for the country as a whole. Clay County is 604.36 square miles and had a population density of 315.8 Persons per square mile in 2010. This compared to 350.6 for Florida and 87.4 for the country.
There are 76,175 housing units in Clay County (a housing unit is defined by the US Census Bureau as a house, apartment, mobile home, group of rooms, or single room that is occupied as separate living quarters.) Clay County has a 77.5% homeownership rate compared to Florida's rate of 69.0%. Clay County's medium household income in 2011 was $59,994, which is higher than the medium income for Florida as a whole: $47,827.
Region | Population 2012 | Economic Activity 2007 (Millions) | Population Growth 2010 to 2012 | Median Household Income 2011 | Housing Units | Median Price 2007 to 2011 |
United States | 313,914,040 | $14,025,202 | 1.7% | $52,762 | 132,312,404 | $186,200 |
Florida | 19,317,568 | $630,738 | 2.7% | $47,827 | 9,026,965 | $188,600 |
Clay County | 194,345 | $2,614 | 1.8% | $59,994 | 76,175 | $178,900 |
9.7% of the population in Clay County lives below the poverty line, compared to 14.7% in Florida and 14.3% nationwide. Additional Information:
Clay County Economic Activity
The U.S. Bureau of the Census, Economic , 2007 calculated the total value manufacturing, merchant wholesaler, retail sales and food service sales in Clay County. The Census measured activity of large and medium-sized firms during calendar year 2007. It does not include every aspect of the economy but can be used as a measure of economic activity.
At $2,614 million, Clay County's economic activity represents 0.41% of the Florida economy.
Activity | Value (Millions) | Percentage |
Manufacturers shipments | $0 | 0.0% |
Merchant wholesaler sales | $394 | 15.1% |
Retail sales | $2,006 | 76.7% |
Accommodation and food services sales | $214 | 8.2% |
Total | $2,614 | 100% |
Clay County Regional Comparisons
Clay County is located in Northeastern Florida. This region is responsible for 8.7% of Florida's economic activity. Clay County represents 4.8% of the region's economy.
Region | Population 2012 | Economic Activity 2007 (Millions) | Population Growth 2010 to 2012 | Median Household Income 2011 | Housing Units | Median Price 2007 to 2011 |
Baker County | 27,086 | $200 | -0.1% | $47,041 | 9,782 | $142,600 |
Clay County | 194,345 | $2,614 | 1.8% | $59,994 | 76,175 | $178,900 |
Duval County | 879,602 | $43,464 | 1.8% | $49,964 | 389,434 | $170,300 |
Nassau County | 74,629 | $1,614 | 1.8% | $58,933 | 35,286 | $202,300 |
Putnam County | 73,263 | $1,703 | -1.5% | $34,174 | 37,406 | $105,300 |
St. Johns County | 202,188 | $3,952 | 6.4% | $64,153 | 91,348 | $279,700 |
Flagler County | 98,359 | $1,035 | 2.8% | $48,708 | 49,068 | $201,300 |
Total | 1,549,472 | $54,582 | 1.9% | $51,852 | 688,499 | $182,914 |
Clay Real Estate
There are 71,376 properties in Clay County. The following table shows a summary of them based on 2013 sales data.
Usage Type | Property Count | % | Sales Count | Median Price | Median Price/Ft | Sales From | To |
Commercial Property | 0 | 0.00 | 53 | $312,500 | $121 | January 1st, 2013 | September 1st, 2013 |
Government Property | 434 | 0.61 | 1 | $141,000 | $222 | June 1st, 2013 | June 1st, 2013 |
Residential Property | 0 | 0.00 | 2,410 | $114,900 | $59 | January 1st, 2013 | September 1st, 2013 |
Commercial Real Estate in Clay County, Florida
0( .00%) of the properties in Clay County are classified as Commercial. 53 of them sold between January 1st, 2013 and September 1st, 2013. The total value of these sales was $49,778,370. The median sales price was $312,500. In 2013 the median sales price for A Class Commercial Property in Clay County was $250 per sq ft, B Class properties sold for $121/ft and C Class $36/ft.
Government Real Estate in Clay County, Florida
434( .61%) of the properties in Clay County are classified as Government. 1 of them sold between June 1st, 2013 and June 1st, 2013. The total value of these sales was $141,000. The median sales price was $141,000. In 2013 the median sales price for Government Property in Clay County was $222 per sq ft.
Residential Real Estate in Clay County, Florida
0( .00%) of the properties in Clay County are classified as Residential. 2,410 of them sold between January 1st, 2013 and September 1st, 2013. The total value of these sales was $463,829,277. The median sales price was $114,900. In 2013 the median sales price for A Class Residential Property in Clay County was $89 per sq ft, B Class properties sold for $59/ft and C Class $26/ft.
Additional Details:
Clay Market Data
Property Usage | Property Count | Total Sq Ft |
Agricultural | 856 | 1,326,942 |
Government Property | 442 | 5,190,708 |
Health Care | 12 | 876,323 |
Hotel & Motel | 22 | 827,219 |
Industrial | 199 | 6,234,078 |
Land | 9,701 | 408,994 |
Miscellaneous Property | 135 | 345,132 |
Mobile/Manufactured | 9,105 | 12,796,920 |
Multifamily | 364 | 6,429,067 |
Office | 815 | 3,672,485 |
Residential | 60,372 | 128,212,394 |
Retail | 763 | 9,735,842 |
Senior Housing | 83 | 820,448 |
Special Purpose | 319 | 3,721,954 |
Sports & Entertaining | 35 | 558,179 |
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