Nassau County Real Estate - Yulee

Yulee is in North Eastern Florida. It's population as recorded in the 2010 Census was 11,491. Yulee is approximately 21 miles from Jacksonville (population 821,784) and around 38 miles from Fleming Island (population 27,126).

The median age for residents of Yulee is 38.3. Around 34.2% of Yulee households include school aged children and 22.7% of households include individuals aged 65 years or over. Census records indicate 90.4% of the Yulee population are White, 5.6% are Black or African American, .4% American Indian, .8% Asian and 1.5% are Two or more Races.

There are 4,714 housing units in Yulee. 352 (7.4%) of these were reported as vacant in the 2010 Census. There are 1,125 residential rental units in Yulee. 1,038 of them were occupied in 2010 providing a residential rental vacancy rate of 6.9%.

Yulee links:

Nassau County

Nassau County is in the northeastern region of Florida, along with Baker, Clay, Duval, Putnam, St John's, and Flagler counties. It is situated in the northeastern corner of Florida, along the border with Georgia and just north of Jacksonville. Incorporated municipalities include Fernandina Beach, Callahan, and Hilliard. The county?s population is over 70,000.

The largest industries in Nassau County are trade, transportation and utilities; leisure and hospitality; and education and health services. Major private sector employers include Amelia Island Plantation, Ritz Carlton, Smurfit-Stone, Wal-Mart, and Baptist Medical Center - Nassau. Top private sector employers are Nassau County School Board, Nassau County Government, Federal Aviation Administration, and City of Fernandina Beach.

Nassau County has a diverse economy, with a lot of agriculture activity, mostly tree farms, in the west and a variety of activities near Amelia Island. With over 7,000 head of cattle, Nassau County has the 43rd-highest population of cattle and calves in the state. The Nassau Wildlife Management Area and Four Creeks State Forest in the central portion of the county provide outdoor recreational opportunities.

Amelia Island is a popular tourist destination and contains two upscale hotels. High profile people such as President Bill Clinton have vacationed at the exclusive White Oak Plantation. The largest city in Nassau and the county seat, Fernandina Beach, is located on Amelia Island. Not just a tourist destination, a Rayonier pulp mill in the city processes the timber that is collected in the western portions of the county.

Neighboring Properties

AddressTypeSq FtClass 
13990 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,496 B
14006 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,291 B
14014 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 3,101 B
13982 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,373 B
535 Misty Morning Ct Single Family 2,223 B
538 Haig Point Ct Single Family 2,802 B
13974 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,650 B
14022 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,814 B
13983 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,912 B
546 Haig Point Ct Single Family 2,198 B
543 Misty Morning Ct Single Family 3,146 B
13975 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,509 B
13966 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,460 B
542 Misty Morning Ct Single Family 2,582 B
554 Haig Point Ct Single Family 2,399 B
13967 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,810 B
14036 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 3,184 B
14021 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,938 B
13958 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 1,921 B
550 Misty Morning Ct Single Family 2,439 B
13959 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 1,975 B
562 Haig Point Ct Single Family 2,453 B
14029 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 3,439 B
14044 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,456 B
558 Misty Morning Ct Single Family 2,478 B
13950 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,499 B
545 Haig Point Ct Single Family 1,918 B
14052 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,203 B
13951 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,525 B
566 Misty Morning Ct Single Family 2,803 B
14037 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 2,489 B
13942 Summer Breeze Dr Single Family 3,148 B

Local Household Income

The median household income in this part of Florida is $65,668. The bottom 10% of the population earn less than $21,935 per year. The top 10% earn more than $145,332 per year. The top 1% earn more than $456,843 per year. Most renters earn between $26,916 (20th percentile) and $55,704 (80th percentile) per year. Someone earning the median household income in this area is likely to qualify for a mortgage between $131,336 and $164,170.

The tax assessed value of this property places it in percentile 79 of all properties in this area. This suggests it would appeal to someone earning around $111,789 per year who should qualify for a mortgage between $223,578 and $279,473.

Source: US Census American Community Survey - 2008-2012 ACS 5-year PUMS estimates

Local Rents

The median monthly rent in this part of Florida is $890. Most renters earn between $2,243 and $4,642 per month. They typically spend 32% of their monthly income on rent. Most rents fall in the $645 (20th percentile) to $1,388 (80th percentile) range. The residential vacancy rate is 8%.

This property falls in percentile 79 of all properties in this area. This corresponds to a rent of $1,340 per month and a monthly household income of $4,604 ($55,248 per year)

Nearby Companies

Michael D. Johnson, LLC
13982 Summer Breeze Dr
Disclaimers and Disclosures

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