Esse Florida Holding Inc.
Esse Florida Holding Inc. is a Florida for profit corporation based in Coral Gables. They registered with the Florida Department of State's Division of Corporations on Feb 5, 2010.
Visulate is a real estate brokerage based in Mims, Florida. We have assembled a directory of Florida companies as a research resource to assist in commercial real estate transactions. is an independent website and is not affiliated with, nor has it been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Esse Florida Holding Inc.
Florida Sunbiz Corporation Details
Corporation Number | |
Status | Active |
Filing Type | DOMP |
Filing Date | Feb 5, 2010 |
Principal Address |
Esse Florida Holding Inc. Directors and Officers
The following table lists the directors and officers for Esse Florida Holding Inc.. It shows their name and position within the company. It also shows possible addresses and related companies for the officer based on their name. These are addresses and companies associated with a person of that name. Their inclusion in the table does not indicate anything more than a potential relationship between Esse Florida Holding Inc. and the address or company.
Name | Position | Possible Address | Possible Related Companies |
Falbo Stefano | Officer (Asst) |
Stefano Falbo 201 Alhambra Cir Coral Gables FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) Stefano Falbo 5151 Collins Ave Miami Beach FL 33140 (Miami-Dade County) Stefano Falbo 682 Ne 63 Street Miami FL 33138 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Stefano Falbo Karussell, Inc. - Officer (AS) |
Barturen Marina | Director |
Marina Barturen 100 Se 2 Street Suite 2610 Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen 100 Se 2nd St Miami FL 33165 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen 100 Se 2nd Street Suite 2610 Miami 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen 201 Alhambra Cir Coral Gables FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen 201 Alhambra Circle Suite 1200 Coral Gables FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen 201 Alhambra Circle Suite 1205 Coral Gables 33134 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Marina Barturen Copernicia , LLC - Registered Agent Crinoidea, LLC - Registered Agent Edric, LLC. - Registered Agent |
Fanelli Nicola | Officer (P/D) |
Nicola Fanelli 100 Se 2 Street Suite 2610 Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Nicola Fanelli 100 Se 2nd Street Suite 2610 Miami 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Nicola Fanelli 201 Alhambra Cir Coral Gables FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) Nicola Fanelli 201 Alhambra Circle Suite 1200 Coral Gables FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) Nicola Fanelli 3081 Sw 156th Ave Miami 33185 (Miami-Dade County) Nicola Fanelli 5161 Collins Avenue Apt 1714 Miami Beach FL 33140 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Nicola Fanelli Mafa Enterprise Corp. - Director |
Barturen Marina E | Registered Agent |
Marina Barturen 100 Se 2nd St Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen 100 Se 2nd St - Ste 2610 Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen 100 Se 2nd Street Suite 2610 Miami 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen 201 Alhambra Cir Coral Gables FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen 201 Alhambra Circle Suite 1200 Coral Gables FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen C/O 100 Se 2nd St Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen C/O 100 Se 2nd Street Suite 2610 Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) Marina Barturen C/O Law Offices At 201 Alhambra Cir Coral Gables FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called Marina Barturen Euclid Acquisitions, LLC - Registered Agent Meridian Acquisitions, LLC - Registered Agent |
Bull David | Officer (S/T) |
David Bull 1177 George Bush Blvd Delray Beach 33483 (Palm Beach County) David Bull 9541 Bradshaw Ln Tamarac FL 33321 (Broward County) David Bull 100 Se 2 Street Suite 2610 Miami FL 33131 (Miami-Dade County) David Bull 100 Se 2nd Street Suite 2610 Miami 33131 (Miami-Dade County) David Bull 1177 George Bush Blvd Suite 205 Delray Beach FL 33483 (Palm Beach County) David Bull 15618 Sw 62nd St Miami FL 33193 (Miami-Dade County) David Bull 201 Alhambra Cir Coral Gables FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) David Bull 201 Alhambra Circle Suite 1200 Coral Gables FL 33134 (Miami-Dade County) David Bull 2206 West Atlantic Ave Delray Beach FL 33445 (Palm Beach County) David Bull 2206 West Atlantic Avenue Suite 202 Delray Beach FL 33445 (Palm Beach County) David Bull 3432 Hyde Park Dr Clearwater FL 33761 (Pinellas County) |
The following companies have a director or officer called David Bull Stirling Payments Inc. - Officer (VP) The Bull Group LLC - Officer (MGRM) |
Principal Location
Esse Florida Holding Inc. is located at 201 Alhambra Cir in Coral Gables.