Shared Access to Business Units

Visulate is a multi-user system which allows property managers and owners to collaborate on the management of rental properties. Visulate creates business units to facilitate shared access. Each business unit may contain one or more properties. Users are granted shared access to business units. This allows them to access the details for the properties in the business unit. For example, an owner could create a business unit for all the units they they own in an apartment complex then grant access to the manager who will manage them.

Owners and managers have shared access to business units. Each can login to Visulate to view and update their property details. With other systems property managers are forced to assemble financial statements as reports that they email to investors. This can be time consuming. Managers assemble reports and send them to investors. Investors may receive multiple reports from different managers that they have to consolidate. Visulate addresses this by providing a central database that can be accessed online.